
The Design Museum of Barcelona, depending on the Institute of Culture of Barcelona, integrates the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts, the Ceramics Museum, the Textile and Clothing Museum and the Graphic Arts Cabinet. It is located in the modern building of Design Hub Barcelona, in the Plaça de les Glories, and is one of the newest city centers opened in 2014.

It includes a rich collection of over 70,000 objects ranging from the fourth century B. C. to the present, with some significant collections like medieval Catalan fabrics and enamelled glass of the sixteenth century, in addition to the historical collections in decorative art, design and others. It offers an information and documentation space, with more than 22,000 documents. The museum is a hub of activities, among which are exhibitions related to its objective, events, workshops, lectures and other events such as conferences and various exhibitions fairs.

Opening hours of the Design Museum of Barcelona 2024

Segunda-feira: das 15h30 às 21h00 (feriados das 9h00 às 21h00).
Terça a domingo: das 9h00 às 21h00
Fechado: 1º de janeiro, 1º de maio, 24 de junho e 25 de dezembro.
Horário especial (24 e 31 de dezembro): das 10h00 às 15h30.


Permanent exhibitions + temporary exhibition
General admission: 6 €
Reduced admission: 4 €

Temporary exhibition
General admission: 4 €
Reduced admission: 3 €

Can you visit the Design Museum of Barcelona for free?

Yes, Sunday afternoon, from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., every first Sunday of the month and on open days: February 12 (Santa Eulàlia) and September 24 (La Mercè)

Where is it?

Sant Martí
Zip code
Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, 37

How to get there

Metro: L1 Glòries
Bus: 7, 60, 92, 192, H12 and Tourist Bus (blue route, bus stop Sagrada Familia).
TRAM:TRAM: Glòries


Existe un precio reducido y/o gratuito para personas de 64 años con tarjeta rosa gratuita y carnet de bibliotecas de Catalunya ???
Espero su respuesta y gracias de antemano por su atención.

Wed, 02/06/2021 - 15:35
OSCAR MELERO (not verified)

Hola Oscar:

Ofrecen precio reducido para personas con tarjeta rosa o con el carné de bibliotecas públicas de Barcelona. De todas formas, ahora mismo no están abiertas las reservas.


Thu, 03/06/2021 - 19:12

In reply to by OSCAR MELERO (not verified)

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