
Cinema 3/99 is a new CCCB screening program created for audiences of all ages: from 3 to 99 years old. In this program there will be room for animation films, video art and artists' cinema. Each semester will offer a new selection of screenings around the same theme and will include an original creation piece commissioned from local filmmakers and video creators.

The selection of films in the fifth edition of Cinema 3/99 offers an opportunity to explore the color palette of everyday urban life, using pencils and watercolors to bring to life the tonal diversity that surrounds us. The films presented, whether abstractly or figuratively, invite us to reflect on the chromatic richness present in our daily experiences. Additionally, the program includes a commissioned piece by artist Mariquiña Díaz.

Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Free event
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - El Raval
Carrer de Montalegre, 5

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