Local markets - Flea markets

Los 22 del Market is a small gathering of 22 recycling freaks. You will find a bit of everything, as befits the purest garage style. And why 22? Because 22 people take what they no longer want from their homes. The price is not limited and therefore you can find varied prices, but always economical.

In addition, the space has a bar, tapas and music area. El 22 del Market is open every Sunday in July. The new place is located in an architecturally eclectic alley that transports you 40 years back in time without the need of a DeLorean.

from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Free event
Zip code
Sant Martí - El Besòs i el Maresme
Carrer de Llull, 68

How to get there

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