Local fiestas - Children
Local fiestas
The dates for this year's event are already known, but details and the programme are still to be confirmed.

For a week Barcelona will be filled with parades, masked balls, popular snacks and sardine burials. On Lardero Thursday, at dusk, the Carnival Queen makes her triumphal entry into Barcelona with the so-called Arrival , the central activity of the carnival that consists of a great party with Her Majesty Carnival, Queen Belluga , and all her entourage. The Arrival continues with the most anticipated activity: the Taronjada (throwing oranges). An act that is documented for the first time in 1333, when the Consell de Cent prohibited the throwing of oranges. Well, that's what it consisted of, throwing oranges at others. Today, luckily, this battle is played out with a friendlier weapon: orange confetti. La Taronjada culminates with a fireworks display.

The Arrival and the Taronjada 2024

On Thursday, February 8, Lardero Thursday, we will receive Queen Belluga and her entourage of seven ambassadors at the gates of the Palau de la Virreina. La Rambla will be the nerve center of the party for one afternoon. However... the queen has lost the festive spirit and essence of transgression. Luckily, their ambassadors will do what is necessary so that the carnival spirit invades their beloved queen again. The old giants of the House of Charity and Carnival, Rodanxó and Rodanxona, who start Carnival with their dance since 1860, will also appear.

The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. at a hectic pace and with large doses of madness. The Arrival will review the colors of the Carnival and there will be a live painting of murals. In addition, there will be a DJ that will animate the evening at all times until the traditional Taronjada is celebrated and the fireworks are launched.

Carnival in the districts - Parades

In addition to the central events of the Barcelona Carnival, parades and numerous activities are organized in each district. The Rúas or parades will take place on February 9 and 10, but you can also participate in carnival dances, tortilla contests, collective meals, costume contests, sardine burials, children's activities, workshops, exhibitions or concerts. During the days of Carnival, markets, civic centers and centers for the elderly will open their doors so that everyone can enjoy the celebration.

On Ash Wednesday, the burial of the sardine

Ash Wednesday arrives on February 14, that is, the end of the party. The reign of the Carnival Queen comes to an end and Lent begins. This end is symbolized by the burial of the sardine, which will be celebrated differently according to each district. There will be popular sardines and various workshops.


see program
Free event
several spaces

How to get there

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