Dario Regattieri presents Forever Van Gogh, an immersive theatrical work of a genius of painting at the Teatro Apolo in Barcelona. It is a unique project with music by Ara Malikian, written and directed by the literary genius Ignasi Vidal. Forever Van Gogh fuses dance, music, theater and new technologies to offer a memorable experience based on the paintings of the Dutch painter.

A show that relies on Artificial Intelligence

Forever Van Gogh is a theatrical show that traces the life of Vincent van Gogh. It uses Artificial Intelligence for the development of virtual spaces. During the play we will discover the different moments of the artist's life, through his creative stages, and we will get to know the person who existed behind the genius. The work focuses on the artist's last 10 years and, in parallel, tells the story of the recent appearance and sale of his painting "Peasant girl in front of a hut".

Forever Van Gogh provokes the emotion of the audience, who are fascinated by the true story of a life full of dreams. The use of technology allows the Van Gogh paintings to also be the protagonists of the show. Thus, the spectator, from his seat, is placed in the center of the scene to understand the artist from the inside.

A multidisciplinary theatrical experience that has not been created in this way in Spain until now as presented by the Teatro Apolo.

view buy tickets
Price from
18.00 €
Zip code
Poble Sec
Teatre Apolo, Av. del Paral-lel, 59

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