
Manifesta 15, the nomadic European biennial, comes to the metropolitan region of Barcelona from September 8 to November 24, 2024, in an edition that promises to be the most ambitious in its history: 85 artists and collectives from around the world will display their works and interventions in 16 venues in 12 cities in the region. Manifesta 15 stands out for its focus on the social, political and environmental dynamics affecting the region, addressing issues such as the ecosocial transition and the rethinking of the social contract in the urban context.

On its 30th anniversary, Manifesta has opted for a decentralized structure, making the metropolitan region of Barcelona a cultural laboratory where artistic interventions will be deeply linked to local communities and their specific challenges. This edition is articulated around three key themes: sustainability, cultural democracy and redistribution of resources, which will be explored through exhibitions, performances, workshops and debates. In addition, the biennial will not only be limited to traditional exhibition spaces, but will also invade public spaces, historic buildings and areas in transformation, allowing a direct interaction between the works and the everyday life of citizens.

The Manifesta 15 program will also include Focus Weeks, thematic weeks dedicated to reflecting on specific regional issues, with a particular focus on cooperation between different communities and sectors. The activities will be designed to encourage the active participation of the inhabitants, thus consolidating Manifesta as a platform that not only exhibits art, but also promotes dialogue and social action.

Manifesta 15 promises to be a transformative event that will not only enrich the cultural landscape of Metropolitan Barcelona, but also generate a lasting impact on the way we understand and inhabit our cities.

15.00 €
Several spaces

How to get there

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