
"We Call it Ballet" is an innovative reinterpretation of Sleeping Beauty to be presented at the AXA Auditorium in Barcelona. This show fuses the elegance of classical ballet with modern technology, creating a unique visual experience. The dancers, dressed in glow-in-the-dark costumes, perform precise and energetic choreography, transforming the stage into a dazzling play of light and color.

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With a running time of 60 minutes, this production, recommended for ages 8 and up, invites audiences to rediscover a traditional tale through a contemporary lens. The combination of music, dance and visual effects promises to keep audiences captivated from beginning to end. It is an excellent opportunity to enjoy a ballet that breaks with convention and offers a new way to experience the art form. Ideal for both ballet aficionados and those looking for a different and exciting theatrical experience.

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Price from
29.00 €
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Les Corts - La Maternitat i Sant Ramon
Axa Auditorium, Avinguda Diagonal, 547

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