
BCN Sports Film is part of the World FICTS Challenge, an international circuit of 18 festivals dedicated to sports-themed audiovisual productions. The Fédération Internationale Cinéma te Télévision Sportifs (FICTS), founder and sponsor of the circuit, is a non-profit association that, with the collaboration of the 116 member countries and the International Olympic Committee, promotes Olympism and the ethical and cultural function of sport through film and television.

The main objectives of the BCN Sports Film are research, dissemination and knowledge of audiovisual creations related to sport in general. The phenomenon of sport as a representation of society explains its importance as a spectacle, but there is nothing better than this spectacle in cinematographic key to understand the virtues.

The 2025 edition of the BCN Sports Film Festival

In the 15th edition of the BCN Sports Film Festival you will be able to see 81 productions from 34 countries spread over 10 venues. All sessions will be free and there will be documentaries, short fiction and animation films and unpublished audiovisual productions.

The opening ceremony will take place on Monday, February 17 at 6:00 pm at the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum.. At this event, distinguished personalities from the fields of film, sports and politics will gather to mark the beginning of nine days full of excitement in both film and sport. During the session, carefully selected productions will be screened, offering attendees a "tasting" of the overall program.

La Història desconeguda
La Història desconeguda

One of the most outstanding documentaries of the current edition of the festival will be "La Història desconeguda", a production that pays tribute to the 100 years of rugby history in Catalonia. The event will take place on Wednesday, February 19 at 8:00 pm at Cinemes Girona, in a special session entitled Rugbi: Identitat i Passió (Rugby: Identity and Passion). This unique documentary has been directed by Francesc Gómez, journalist and reference of rugby in Catalonia. "La Història Desconeguda" combines archive footage, animations and interviews with an innovative and close approach that manages to portray the most emblematic moments of rugby in Catalonia, from its beginnings in Sant Boi de Llobregat to the present day.

All the sessions of the BCN Sports Film Festival will be available online from February 17 to 25 through the platform FESTHOME.

Remember that the sessions are free, but you have to reserve your ticket.

School sessions

The BCN Sports Film Festival brings sport closer to children to use it as an educational tool. With the collaboration of FILMCLUB's pedagogical dossiers, a series of productions have been selected with the aim of promoting values such as self-improvement, respect for others, equality and teamwork. The school sessions will be screened in person on February 18, 19 and 20 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and online from January 10 to March 30.

BCN SportsFilm is organized by the Barcelona Olympic Foundation and FICTS, with the support of the Barcelona City Council, and is linked to the IBE, the Catalonia Film Festival and the Catalan Film Academy.

See program
Free event
Various spaces and online

How to get there

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