On Sunday, February 9, 2025, in the Tibidabo Panoramic Area, the Mariona awaits you to enjoy talks and participatory workshops, sports activities, scientific games and many more activities. All with free admission, and with the participation of professionals dedicated to research and medicine at Sant Pau.
There will be more than eight spaces for all audiences so that both children and adults can get the most out of the party. You will participate in workshops to create scientific experiments, discover the body with 3D models and learn about the day-to-day work of the professionals at Sant Pau. In addition, if you have helped Mariona in her three missions in the Tibidabo Park and have obtained the three-color bracelets, you will be able to come and pick up your surprise gift. Don't forget that you will have to wear the bracelets on your arm.
Sign up, come to Tibidabo and participate in the draw for a gift!
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