
An exciting way to listen to the work of one of the great baroque composers. We are talking about the Venetian Antonio Vivaldi, who in addition to being a composer was a violinist, entrepreneur, teacher and Catholic priest. By candlelight will sound the notes of his famous series of concertos for violin and orchestra: the Four Seasons.

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Candlelight is an exceptional experience that allows you to enjoy concerts by candlelight. These concerts, moreover, are held in emblematic venues in Barcelona. On this occasion, Vivaldi's Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter merge with candlelight in the Gaudí Crypt of Colonia Güell, a work designed by Antoni Gaudí himself.

Duration of the concert: approximately 65 minutes
Performers: String Quartet - Barcelona Quartet

Candlelight Program: The Four Seasons by Vivaldi

  • The Four Seasons by A. Vivaldi:
  • Spring (Allegro, Largo, Allegro Pastorale).
  • Summer (Allegro non molto, Adagio-Presto, Presto)
  • Autumn (Allegro, Adagio Molto, Allegro Molto)
  • Winter (Allegro non molto, Largo, Allegro)
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Price from
28.00 €
Zip code
Cripta de Gaudí, carrer Claudi Güell (La Colònia Güell, Barcelona)

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