
Jules Verne 200 has had its world premiere in Barcelona, at the IDEAL Digital Arts Center. It is the most complete immersive exhibition that the IDEAL cultural center has organized to date: all the content is displayed in immersive rooms, in virtual reality and metaverse format, but also in traditional exhibition halls.

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The 3D film can of course be seen in the already famous immersive room that has a screen of more than 1000 m², but that's not all because the aforementioned room now includes a new dome (dome) that will radically change the perception of visitors.


In addition, you will see how the metaverse of Jules Verne created with virtual reality, crosses all boundaries of imagination in a journey that will take you through the spaces of the 5 most popular novels of Verne: "20000 languages of submarine voyage", "Journey to the center of the Earth", "Around the world in 80 days", "Robur the conqueror" and "From the Earth to the Moon".

About the work of Jules Verne

Jules Verne's work is fundamental because it pioneered the literary and cinematographic genre we know as science fiction. Verne was able to imagine technological advances such as submarines and space travel before they existed. Moreover, his stories not only entertain, but also inspire scientific exploration and the spirit of adventure. For this reason, the French writer has influenced generations of writers, scientists and engineers.

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Price from
11.00 €
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IDEAL Centre d'Arts Digitals, Doctor Trueta 196-198

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