
L'Auditori de Barcelona offers a unique experience with its "Musical Morning for Pregnant Women" event. This event, designed especially for pregnant women, promises an enriching experience for both expectant mothers and their babies.

The "Musical Morning for Pregnant Women" focuses on providing a relaxing and stimulating environment through live music. The musical programming is carefully selected to promote emotional connection and encourage relaxation. Musicians perform a variety of pieces that may include classical and contemporary music, designed to soothe and excite both mother and baby.

The Auditori's initiative to organize an event dedicated to pregnant women is both innovative and necessary. During pregnancy, women experience a number of physical and emotional changes, and events like this can provide a respite from everyday stress. The sound environment and atmosphere of L'Auditori create a safe and pleasant space for expectant mothers to connect with their babies and experience the magic of live music.

10:30 am
14.99 €
Zip code
Eixample El Fort Pienc
L'Auditori, Carrer de Lepant, 150

How to get there

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