El Gran Gallo, the new show created by La Granja de Zenón, a record-breaking family event, arrives in Barcelona. This show is part of the 2022/2023 tour of the series of the successful YouTube channel "The Children's Kingdom", which has more than 51 billion views in its videos, and has 53 million subscribers. A very physical and immersive show that allows you to travel through the four seasons of the year in a fun journey through updated versions of children's and family hits from the last decades and the most popular original songs from the series.
After the success of its previous tour, La Granja de Zenón returns to Barcelona with El Gran Gallo, its second theatrical show. One million spectators have already enjoyed this magnificent show, which premiered in Argentina and has been to other countries such as Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
The experience is mainly aimed at children from 0 to 6 years old, and the scenography has more than 200 m2 of LED screens and state-of-the-art effects.
The 10 main characters of La Granja de Zenón will appear in El Gran Gallo: Bartolito the rooster, Lola the cow, Pepe the parrot and Percherón the horse, among others.
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