
PechaKucha was created by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham in Tokyo in 2003 with the idea of transmitting knowledge in an entertaining way. Today it is celebrated in more than 700 cities around the world. It is an interdisciplinary meeting, which includes all fields of knowledge and creation, such as architecture, graphic design, cinema, multimedia creation, anthropology, medicine and many more.

And how it works?

Pecha Kucha Night, which is being held this year at L'Antiga Fàbrica Damm, is presented in a quick format: speakers present their ideas, projects or designs in 20 images (which scroll automatically) x 20 seconds = 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

The objective is to awaken the viewer's curiosity with these kinds of capsules filled with strong doses of compressed creativity. And everything is non-profit, seeking at all times to promote creativity.

from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
10.00 €
Zip code
Eixample Dreta
Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm, carrer del Rosselló 515

How to get there

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