
SEL Week (Sound Earth Legacy Week) will be held in Barcelona on October 18, 2024, coinciding with the International Day for the Protection of Nature. This pioneering event, organized at Casa Montjuïc, aims to reconnect attendees with nature through sound and digital art. SEL Week seeks to raise awareness about the relationship between humans and the planet, using music and technology as tools to foster empathy between species and promote sensory creativity.

The program will feature performances by prominent artists such as Fernanda Alemán, who will present "ANDINO", a sound piece inspired by nature, and Maribel Tafur, who together with R_iesling will offer the audiovisual experience "Ancestral", based on Peruvian and Mediterranean sounds. In addition, Steven Dagenais and A/V ISOTONE Studio will present "Transatlantic Whales in Search of a New Future", an immersive show about the survival of whales in a context of climate change.

This event, which will be an annual event, will be expanded in 2025 with more spaces and a more extensive program, positioning Barcelona as a reference in sound biodiversity, digital art and musical innovation. SEL Week has the support of various local and international institutions.

7:30 pm
23.69 €
Zip code
Poble Sec
Montjuïc House, carrer de Vila i Vilà, 65

How to get there

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