Trade fair/Congress

There was no other choice, Sónar Barcelona and Sónar + D have been canceled and will be held in June 2021, but we will not have to wait until next year to get some Sónar. A special edition of Sónar + D will take place in September at the CCCB, the cultural center that saw him born. The format and content will be designed for the current context and focused on imaginable new futures of culture, art and technology, and their intersection points. Given the situation, the event will be mainly online and free, but there could be activities with an audience at the CCCB depending on how the regulations on capacity evolve.

This extraordinary edition will be more reflective and will have an extensive program of participatory activities such as conferences, masterclasses, demos, workshops, performance formats and networking activities. The festival will work with the communities of the city that habitually participate and support Sónar + D, and will program with the festivals TodaysArt (The Hague), Reworks (Thessaloniki) and Unsound (Krakow), with which it shares dates and the common project "We Are Europe", where they have worked for the last five years.

Free event

How to get there

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