Sons de Ciutat is a musical cycle that fills public spaces in Barcelona with concerts of various musical styles: jazz, funk, classical sounds, folk, rock, electronica... The concert program, a municipal initiative, consists of three cycles: the autumn cycle that now begins and runs until November 30, a second Christmas cycle between December 7 and January 3, and the last in spring, between February 1 and March 22.
In total there will be almost two hundred concerts by sixty of the most interesting emerging artists, groups and bands of the moment, who will perform in eighty specially chosen venues in the 10 districts of Barcelona.

The Platform for the Defense of Catalan Rumba
Rumba, a musical genre that saw the light of day in the 20th century and that has Barcelona as its epicenter, will be very present in the Sons de Ciutat program, as the Platform for the Defense of Catalan Rumba is a new musical agent in the program. This musical style so typical of Barcelona is added to the incorporation in the last edition of opera and lied, which will continue to sound in the streets and squares of the city thanks to the Fundació Victòria dels Àngels and the Fundació Òpera Catalunya.
Sons de Ciutat has the complicity of major Barcelona festivals, including Primavera Sound, BAM, Terrats en cultura, Say it Loud, Primavera Labels, L'hora del Jazz and Jazz I am, as well as the music schools ESMUC, Jam Session, Conservatori Superior del Liceu and Taller de Músics. Both the schools and the festivals have collaborated in the selection of musicians for the program.
Broadening horizons
The selection of the program has been made to be representative of the current sociological scene in Barcelona: diverse in musical styles, instruments, formations, languages and reflecting diverse origins and dissident identities. We have also made a firm and majority commitment to musical proposals formed or led by women.
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