
The “Wip” exhibition, a retrospective of the work of Miguel Ángel Belinchón, Belin, is an exhibition that ranges from the beginning of the artist's career to his latest works of 2020. At the Montana Gallery you can see his sculptures, ceramics and paintings, which include the realistic creations of Belin and those of his post-neocubist stage. In 2020, as has happened to many creators, Belin has given a new twist to his career, which is why the exhibition is completed with the latest expressionist and chromatic trends, with the spray as a brush. The exhibition is made up of about twenty pieces that are being very well received by the public in the first days of the exhibition.

"Wip", as Belin says, "is an acronym for Work in progress, since the exhibition talks about the evolutionary process that my work has undergone so far from 2008 to now. I have a very special relationship with Montana Gallery, as it was one of the first places I exhibited 13 years ago, and both parties have grown a lot since then. For me it is important not to forget where I come from and to return to one of the important places from the beginning of my career”.

About Belin

The artist from Linares (Jaén) is considered an international benchmark in the field of graffiti and urban art: he has works spread across the walls of New York, Los Angeles, Dublin, London and Dortmund. His pieces have been exhibited throughout Spain and in countries such as Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Brazil, the Netherlands, Israel, Mexico or the United States. He has even painted for such popular firms as Dockers or Carhartt. Miguel Ángel Belinchón, known artistically as Belin, is a total artist (he also makes paintings and sculpture), characterized by a hyper-realistic style with a great role in color. He is also the promoter of the Rampa project, which aims to make Linares an international benchmark for urban art.

Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Free event
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - La Ribera/Santa Caterina
Montana Gallery, Carrer del Comerç 6

How to get there

Metro: L1 Arc de Triomf
Bus: 19, H16, V19

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