Barcelona with children

CosmoCaixa Barcelona is a 50,000 m² museum dedicated to the popularization of science. It has permanent spaces and organizes temporary exhibitions, activities, conferences and courses.

It is aimed at all audiences although some sections are specifically aimed at children. It is an exciting visit because you can not only look at it but also touch it to experiment with the concepts and laws of science.

Permanent spaces of CosmoCaixa Barcelona

The Geological Wall

90 tons of rock to show the geological processes that originated the earth.

The Flooded Forest

An exact reproduction of a flooded Brazilian Amazon rainforest in Barcelona, unique in Europe.

The Universe Room

The origin of the universe. The organization of matter from the elementary particles of the Big Bang to the creation of complex organisms. In the Universe Room you will find Lab Math a space dedicated to mathematics with games, puzzles and all kinds of challenges.

Antarctic Base

In this space, the CosmoCaixa Science Museum shows the original laboratory of the Antarctic Base Juan Carlos I thanks to the scientific view of Dr. Josefina Castellví, a pioneer in the exploration of the white continent. In addition, thanks to a collaboration agreement with National Geographic, they have renewed the images of this permanent exhibition on Antarctica.

Remains and traces

A space where you can see fossils of all types and sizes, both plant and animal, and learn about the traces they left on our planet millions of years ago.


The classic planetarium (digital and one of the most advanced in the world) where you can see the Barcelona sky as you would see it without any kind of pollution; and a program that changes periodically with the best immersive projections of astronomical and scientific dissemination.

Science Square

With free access, it is the outdoor space of CosmoCaixa with interactive machines to understand nature scientifically. In the Science Square is also the permanent space Meteorological Station to learn how to predict the weather; the photovoltaic system Smartflowers, which produces up to 6,000 kWh per year of renewable energy for self-consumption; a insect hotel and a hydroponic garden which produces a large part of what the inhabitants of the Flooded Forest consume.

Finally, the museum's historic building was built in 1904 and is the work of the modernist architect Josep Domènech i Estapà.

Opening hours 2025

  • Monday to Sunday and holidays: from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  • December 24 and 31 and January 5: from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm.
  • Closed December 25, January 1 and 6.


  • General admission: 8,00 €.
  • CaixaBank customers and children under 16 years old can enter for free.

Can I visit COSMOCAIXA for free?

Yes, on February 11 (Santa Eulàlia Festival), May 18 (International Museum Day) and September 24 (La Mercè Festival).

+ Information and tickets

Where is it?

Sarrià Sant Gervasi
Zip code
Teodor Roviralta, 55
(+34) 93 212 60 50

How to get there

Metro: FGC Avda. Tibidabo (L7).
Bus: Lines 17, 22, 58, 73, 75 and 60.


Hello, I would like to know if its possible to do a child's birthday party here? Please can you send me any information or prices. Thank you for your help.

Thu, 23/12/2021 - 10:44
Heather (not verified)

Hello Heather,

CosmoCaixa offers a space rental service on its premises, for scientific and social events. Also guided tours. Surely combining the two possibilities you can celebrate a birthday party to remember. These are the museum's contact details:

Telephone: (+34) 932 126 050
Email: icosmocaixa@magmacultura.com

Best regards,

Thu, 23/12/2021 - 10:58

In reply to by Heather (not verified)

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