From this week until October 31, the light, water and music show of the Magic Fountain of Montjuic will also be held on Wednesdays. A vibrant show that will provoke a pleasant sensation that you will take as a great memory of your trip. And if you live in Barcelona, how long have you not come to Montjuïc to see the fountains? And it's free.

28/02/2018 to 31/12/2018
Free event
The Magic Fountains

The parks of Barcelona, the green spaces of Barcelona, are filled with music at sunset. The Ciutadella Park, the Estació del Nord Park, the Aigües del Guinardó Park, the Jardins de Primavera, the Joan Miró Park, the Nou Barris Central Park, the Ernest Lluch Jardins and many others will be the perfect setting for classical concerts, jazz concerts and band concerts / guest orchestras. Within the Music in the Parks cycle, on 21/06, Music Day will be celebrated, with a performance by Barcelona Coral Àsia at La Modelo at 8:00 p.m.

02/06/2018 to 30/08/2018
Free event
Music in the parks

If you come to this exhibition you will see innovative projects designed and created by designers to modernize facilities, develop strategies and improve the quality of life of a large part of the world's population, precisely the one with fewer resources.

08/06/2018 to 22/10/2018
Free event
Designs for a better world

Barcelona hosts every summer and since 2008, the main celebration of gay pride of the Mediterranean to which more than 250,000 people attend every year. The Pride Barcelona is an event both festive and demanding in favor of the rights of the collective LGTBI and offers a careful selection of activities: lectures, seminars, films, exhibitions, shows ... and during the night, nightclubs, discos and saunas of the city celebrate special celebrations. This year's motto is "All My Loving", a message that in the context of a Barcelona agitated by current socio-political and economic events, aims to launch a message of love and unity for all citizens.

Festival, Special
14/06/2018, 16/06/2018, 23/06/2018, 27/06/2018 to 30/06/2018
Free event
Pride Barcelona

Every summer weekends, the parish of Santa María del Mar offers guided tours at sunset for small groups (maximum 25 people) that can practically walk alone in the interior of one of the most beautiful and beloved churches of Barcelona. Visitors will be able to walk around their corners and know the details of their architecture. You will visit the tribunes, the crypt and the interior of the church and, finally, the perfect end of the visit: you will climb to its terraces from where you will enjoy spectacular views of Barcelona while it gets dark. The income from the visits will be used for the preservation of the monument.

15/06/2018 to 15/09/2018
Santa Maria del Mar at sunset

First edition of Gran Price Vinyl Fest, a vinyl buying / selling fair that pays tribute to the disappeared (the year 1973) Gran Price Hall of the Sant Antoni quarter, hall that occupied the corner of Floridablanca street with Casanova. In this fair will participate both local exhibitors and shops in France and England and many parallel activities will be organized, including the presentation of the new EP of Vértice, never published, DJs sessions who will come without their own vinyl and must use material from the stands of the fair, and an exhibition in collaboration with Wah Wah discos that will recover the historical memory of the Grand Price Hall

Trade fair/Congress
16/06/2018 to 17/06/2018
Free event
Gran Price Vinyl Fest