
Paz Padilla returns to Barcelona's Teatre Apolo with the third season of El humor de mi vida, a play based on her successful book that has sold more than 200,000 copies. The play, which has been seen by more than 125,000 spectators, is a tribute to her deceased husband and combines love, farewell, humor and emotion.

Directed by Pablo Barrera, it tells the story of Paz and her husband Antonio from an optimistic perspective and full of anecdotes, inviting people to reflect on death without fear. The play includes live music by composer Juan Fernández de Valderrama, who accompanies Paz throughout the show with acoustic melodies.

Although it is full of humor, there are also melancholic moments that bring tears to the audience's eyes. Paz Padilla's career spans from her beginnings in television in 1994, with humorous programs such as Genio y figura, to her role as an actress in series and theater. After the success of her book El humor de mi vida, Paz decided to take the story to the stage, where it has established itself as a theatrical phenomenon.

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Price from
22.00 €
Zip code
Sants Montjuïc
Teatre Apolo, Av. del Paral-lel, 59

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