
Jazzing is a jazz festival aimed at young people and family audiences who are followers of this musical style. As Joan Chamarro, director of the festival, says, "jazz is not a music only for adults, it is not a music for connoisseurs. It is a popular music, with many variations, colors, nuances".

The event offers a musical proposal for young musicians who are in the Sant Andreu Jazz Band quarry, surrounded by emerging musicians and references of the national and international scene.

About the 2024 edition

The eleventh edition of the Jazzing Festival connects New York, Berlin and Barcelona with an ambitious proposal of traditional jazz. Jon-Erik Kellso & the EarRegulars from New York, The Jungle Jazz Band from Berlin and the Sant Andreu Jazz Band and the Sant Andreu Dixie Band from Barcelona, among others, will participate. The festival will focus on the sound of New Orleans, 1930s jazz and the dance of the Lindy Hopers.

Jazz Education Stage

As part of Jazzing, the Jazz Education Stage will be held, a meeting for young and professional jazz lovers in which Joan Chamorro will show the methodology and work philosophy of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band.

Price from
0.00 €
Zip code
Sant Andreu
Fabra i Coats, carrer de Sant Adrià 20

How to get there

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