
The human brain is the most complex object we know and the one that raises the most questions at a scientific and philosophical level. This exhibition explores how art, science and philosophy have studied and represented this fascinating organ throughout history. "Brain(s)" explores the anatomy of the brain and everything it generates: consciousness, abstract thought, language, imagination, memory or dreams. The exhibition also explores other minds: artificial, animal and collective intelligences, and even those of organisms without brains.

"Brain(s)" raises questions like why are there brains? Where does consciousness come from? And creativity? What happens when the mind is sick? Can intelligent machines be created? What can we learn from the collective intelligence of ants?

Combining historical, scientific, and artistic material, the tour questions our understanding of conscious experience and examines what can happen when this experience is interrupted or impaired.

The exhibition, which presents around 300 pieces, combines the views of contemporary artists such as Tomás Saraceno, Patrick Tresset, Ivana Franke, Daniel Alexander, Andrew Carnie, Christian Fogarolli, Greg Dunn, Laramascoto, Louise K Wilson, William Utermohlen, Shona Illingworth, Imogen Stidworthy, Roc Parés, Stefan Kaegi, Joan Foncuberta and Xavi Bou, among others, with cinema and comics, and historical material such as original drawings by Santiago Ramon y Cajal, period editions of Vesalius and René Descartes, inventions and machinery visionary scientists such as Leonardo Torres Quevedo and Lady Ada Lovelace, as well as scientific projects from leading research institutes.

A wide network of researchers, thinkers and creators participate in the "Brain(s)" project, both in the exhibition part and in the development of a program of activities that includes a film series, public debates and mediation workshops.

The exhibition, produced by the CCCB, Fundación Telefónica (Madrid) and the Wellcome Collection (London), is curated by the physicist and biologist Ricard Solé and by Emily Sargent, exhibition curator of the Wellcome Collection.

On Sundays, from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., admission is free with prior reservation.

From Tuesday to Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Non-holiday Mondays, closed
Price from
4.00 €
Zip code
Ciutat Vella - El Raval
Carrer de Montalegre, 5

How to get there

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