
Els Vespres de la UB is a refreshing summer cultural proposal to discover interesting groups and singers of the current emerging scene.

The open-air concerts Els Vespres de la UB will take place again in the Ferran Soldevila Garden of the historic building of the University of Barcelona, a unique green space in the heart of Barcelona.

The performances start at 8:00 pm with the winners of the musical contest Sona UB, and at 9:00 pm the main artists will perform. The terrace has a bar service and includes a foodtrack that opens at 18:00.

Admission is free, but it is not allowed to enter with food or drink.

Program 2024 Els Vespres de la UB

  • Reïna, Tuesday 9 July
  • Minibús intergalàctic, Thursday July 11
  • Ariox, Tuesday 16 July
  • Alba Morena, Thursday 18 July

Buy tickets

8:00 pm
5.00 €
Zip code
Eixample Esquerra
Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585

How to get there

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