
People like boxing or dislike it, but his aesthetics was always related to the world of art. This exhibition focuses on the artistic and visual aspect of the sport and want to recover the memory of two disappeared landmarks of Barcelona related to the boxing world: the photo studio PHOTO RAMBLAS and the hall PRICE in the Floridablanca street.

The exhibition is presented as an artistic battle between a photographer (Kiko Navarro) and a painter (Març Rabal), or what is the same, a battle between collage and photography, and between color and black and white. Rabal combines in her collages fragments of dance images with fragments of boxing images in the early twentieth century, two opposite worlds that work in perfect harmony in the works of Rabal. Navarro shows how the time is passing and battle scars of boxing in black and white portraits of retired boxers.

Children under 12 are free. With the entrance ticket you can also visit the art collection of the Setba Foundation in the Expacio Miró in the Consell de Cent street, 335, principal. Monday to Friday from 10: 00h to 14: 00h and 16: 00h to 18: 00h.

Monday toFriday 10:00h-14:00hand 16:30h-20:00h
Saturady 10:00h-14:00h
2.00 €
Fundació Setba, Plaça Reial 10, 1º 2ª

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